
A mod for Minecraft by Sven Hjól

Adventure and exploration for vanilla Minecraft, inspired by Charm and Quark.
For Minecraft 1.15.2 with Forge.

Download from Curseforge!

Vaults Library room with some items

Strange is a mod for Minecraft 1.15 that adds exploration, adventure and treasure to the game without dramatically altering the vanilla playstyle. Each feature is configurable and can be disabled, allowing you to customize your experience.

This wiki is a work in progress. More images and videos will be added.

Main features


This mod requires Forge for Minecraft 1.15.2 (at least version 31.2.0) and Charm for Minecraft 1.15.2 (version 1.5.9+) as dependencies.

BETA WARNING! Strange is currently in beta. It may break your world, your game, your cats, it might not play well with other mods etc.

If you are upgrading from a previous beta, please note that there may be item registration warnings. This is because some features are changing quite a lot between beta versions. Such warnings are not themselves a problem, but you may find erratic behavior in your world.

Please get in touch via the Github issue tracker if Strange is causing game-breaking issues.

Quark compatibility

Strange is designed to play nicely with Quark. If Quark is present then extra Quark-specific quests, decoration and integration will be available.

Credits and inspiration

Thank you to everyone who contributed ideas and to all playtesters. Also thanks to mcvinnyq for the writing desk texture.