
A mod for Minecraft by Sven Hjól

Adventure and exploration for vanilla Minecraft, inspired by Charm and Quark.
For Minecraft 1.15.2 with Forge.

Download from Curseforge!

Totem of Enchanting

This gray totem preserves your current experience points. It can only be obtained from treasure chests within the Vaults underground structure.

Using the totem

While holding the totem in any hand, right-click while sneaking to transfer all experience points from the player into the totem. The totem will then have the enchantment glint effect and hovering over it will show you the amount of contained experience. You may transfer experience to the totem by sneak-right-clicking as often as you wish.

To retrieve the experience points, right-click without sneaking. The totem will be destroyed in the process. If the totem has no stored experience, nothing happens.

See also
